Sunday, September 21, 2008

I'm Back!

Well, it has been close to a year since I last posted on this blog. I feel terrible about it, but I am back. Since I last posted, I have read a couple of books that have spoken to me and helped me in my quest to be more Christ-like. One of them was The Shack. If you haven't read it, make the time. I read it on our trip to North Carolina and Colorado this summer, both of which were road trips. I actually had to make Angie drive more than normal because I couldn't put it down. It was amazing in every way, giving me everything from answers to God's mysterious ways to a personification of the Holy Trinity to a deeper love for my children. Again, all I can say is make the time.

Today at church, Pastor Tim preached on Raising G rated kids in a XXX world. While there was a lot of substance to his sermon, it was his convicting words on parenting styles that gave me a recharge in my desire to make sure my kids turn out alright; I wish all parents felt that way. As a teacher, I am able to see on a daily basis what poor parenting or not parenting does to a child. It is good to be reminded that it is my "God-given responsibility" to raise my kids to love the Lord and to be positive contributors to society. I vow to continue this daunting task, even when Emory becomes a teenager and Miles becomes bigger than me.

Thank you God for those two wonderful blessings in my life.